Claiming and Contesting Postcolonial Citizenship. Political Struggles over the Rights and Belonging of Surinamese-Dutch Citizens

Researcher: Eline Westra

Eline’s PhD research project looks into five decades of political debates over the rights and belonging of Surinamese-Dutch citizens in the Netherlands, from the 1970s to the present. Her dissertation explores citizenship from various angles: legal citizenship (migration politics), social citizenship (welfare state politics) and intimate citizenship (politics of gender and family). She has analyzed both state perspectives and activist political claims-making: the contributions of Surinamese-Dutch citizens themselves to debates on postcolonial citizenship.



Westra, E. (2025). Claiming and contesting postcolonial citizenship: Political struggles over the rights and belonging of Surinamese-Dutch citizens. [Thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam].

Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)

Westra, E., & van Hooren, F. (2024). Social rights in a post-colonial welfare state: Revisiting ‘universality’ and ‘inclusivity’. Journal of European Social Policy. Prepublished November 13, 2024.

Westra, E. (2024). Multiple barriers to the Dutch welfare state: Black Feminists’ intersectional claims to social citizenship in the 1980s. Critical Social Policy, 44(3), 403-424.

Westra, E., Bonjour, S. A., & Vermeulen, F. F. (2023). Claiming a postcolonial differential citizenship: Contestation of family migration rights in the Netherlands in the wake of Suriname’s independence. Migration Studies, 11(3), 431-451.


Westra, E. (2024). Perspectieven op postkoloniaal burgerschap. Politieke claims van Surinaams-Nederlandse organisaties na de onafhankelijkheid van Suriname (1975). In: Fatah-Black, K. and Lauret, L. (eds) Koloniaal Burgerschap: Geschiedenis En Erfenis, pp. 227-240. Amsterdam: Boom. Open Access Link

Westra, E., & Bonjour, S. A. (2022). Postcolonial Migration and Citizenship in the Netherlands. Web publication, Verfassungsblog.

Popular Scientific

Westra, E., & Konaté, S. W. (2023). Discriminatie op het Kruispunt: Een Intersectionele Analyse van het Toeslagenschandaal. Web publication or website, De Nederlandse Boekengids.

van Hooren, F. J., & Westra, E. (2023). Wanneer volgt de echte reparatie van het ‘AOW-gat’ van Surinaamse Nederlanders? NRC.


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